Catch up on how things have been since the last time your Impact Group met. Allow anyone new to introduce themselves. Then ask group members:
Ask for a volunteer to read Matthew 7:13-29 to the group, praying a short prayer that however much they’ve come to know Jesus, they’d get to know him better because of your time together.
Watch Video One
Download this video to watch offline or read the transcript here.
Jesus ends his sermon on the mount on the subject of how people will respond to his teaching. He has laid out the way to find life, but now he puts a choice before us.
False prophets are people who try to encourage people away from the good path. Externally, they look like they’re walking in the way of Jesus. But inwardly, they’re not.
Jesus doesn’t just care about our behaviour. He cares about our response to him.
As we read verses 21-23, it’s important to remember that it falls in a section where Jesus is helping his hearers to discern between those who are motivated by knowing him verses those who merely know how to behave in the right way.
It follows then, that even though some people say the right things externally, they don’t know Jesus. Even those who drive out demons, if its performance driven, rather than as a response of knowing Jesus – it's evil.
And evil has no place in the kind of Kingdom Jesus is building.
If our motives are disconnected from our actions, then we aren’t following the narrow life-giving path of Jesus.
Watch Video Two
Download this video to watch offline or read the transcript here.
Throughout his sermon, Jesus has repeatedly emphasised that he is not concerned with mere external behaviour. To live that way is foolish. Instead, Jesus cares about our hearts, our motivations, and our feelings towards him.
One appropriate response to Jesus’ words is to confess where we lack integrity.
Jesus doesn't just want our righteous behavior. He wants his words to get so deep into us that we bring our hearts to him - bringing him our sin and our love. When we do that, he forgives us and welcomes us.
Leave some silence for people to pray prayers of confession to God. You could encourage people to pray out loud, should they want to.
Jesus calls all of us to turn away from a life of just keeping up good appearances.
Instead, when we come to him honestly, we’ll find that he begins to change our heart and our attitudes. Followers of Jesus all around the world can share of how Jesus’ words have shaped them in this deeper way.
One of the ways we can share our faith is to share these stories.
Ask one or two members of your group to share how Jesus has changed them. (you might like to ask these people before you meet, so they can have time to prepare).
Then in 2s and 3s discuss:
Pray for your friends by name asking that God would give you an opportunity to share the difference that Jesus has made in your life.
Thank You – Thank everyone for coming, and ask someone to thank God for your time together in prayer.
Ask – Ask those who are new to reading the Bible if they’d like to explore Uncover, a set of sessions in Mark’s Gospel, allowing them to investigate one of the earliest accounts of Jesus’ life alongside one of you.
Church and CU – What does the CU have planned ahead? And what help would group members value in finding a local church?
Others – Who else could you invite to join your CU Impact Group next week? These friends don’t need to be followers of Jesus and may really appreciate being invited.
See You Soon – Tell the group where and when you’ll meet next week, and arrange who will bring snacks. (You might like to alternate healthy and less healthy weeks!). See if anyone would be up for sharing a meal or just hanging out in the meantime!
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